Saturday 1 August 2009

Swiss National Day!

Above: A bottle of SWISS SYNERGETIC DRINK on my Swiss Boyfriend. Below: My Swiss Boyfriend savours the delightful aroma of SWISS SYNERGETIC DRINK.

I have lots of photos to catch up with posting here, since apparently I haven't updated for the last four months - but they can wait, since for the moment I am in Switzerland with my Swiss Boyfriend and it is, moreover, Swiss National Day. To celebrate the country that gave me this wonderful plinth for putting stuff on, here is an appropriate picture.

As you can see, these photos come with a new bonus: there is now a Beard on my Swiss Boyfriend!

Here is another bonus picture:

Above: My Swiss Boyfriend with his lunch on his head, in Bern.

Thursday 9 April 2009

A Swiss Army Knife

My Swiss Boyfriend looks particularly fetching here.

Stuff on Your Who What Now?

Stuff on My Swiss Boyfriend is a website about - well, exactly what is says. I have a Swiss boyfriend and I like to put stuff on him.

Here, you can see my Swiss Boyfriend with a lovely and authentic Swiss cowbell on his head.

I set up Stuff on My Swiss Boyfriend as a Google Pages website some time ago - in fact, I'd barely had him a month before I was putting things on him willy-nilly (and taking photographs). The site is still up, and I don't plan to move all the photos here just yet, but by running it as a blog instead I hope to be able to update more often.